Molde Spedisjon AS

Customs clearance and document handling

We can handle all types of customs clearance and have a good reputation for being flexible, fast and efficient.

Customs clearance and document handling

Customs clearance and document handling

We can handle all types of customs clearance and have a good reputation for being flexible, fast and efficient. For many years we have established procedures for customs clearance and delivery across the country. We also have extensive experience in border service and may assist in providing a smooth border crossing. Since we got our own customs warehouse we are in position of closing T-documents and "tollpass"

We have a long tradition of customs clearance and document handling

Molde Spedisjon AS is an independent freight forwarder not bound by agents, so there are no restrictions to who we can assist.

Vi kan vise til en lang tradisjon når det gjelder fortolling og spedisjon.

Vi er en uavhengig speditør som ikke er tilknyttet eget transportsystem, derfor finnes det ingen begrensninger for hvem vi kan assistere.